Over 7.1 million Floridians can’t access basic dental care in their community.

Dental therapy can help.

Over 7.1 million Floridians can’t access basic dental care in their community.

Dental therapy can help.

Florida's Oral Health Crisis

Florida hospitals billed over a half-billion dollars in 2021 for preventable, non-traumatic dental issues
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Number of Floridians living in Dental Health Professional Shortage Areas
Emergency room visits for preventable, non-traumatic dental conditions in 2021
Life-threatening admissions to hospital for non-traumatic dental issues
Florida 3rd graders with untreated cavities – 4th worst in the nation.
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Dental care is the top unmet healthcare need in Florida
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Floridians for Dental Access is a bipartisan coalition of individuals and organizations throughout our state actively working to increase access to oral health care through evidence-based best practices in modern dentistry and dental hygiene. 

It’s Time for a Change

What is wrong with this country? If a child has a broken arm, we fix it. Yet virtually every day I see children walking around with dental infections that are literally inches from their brain.”
Betty Kabal, Director of Dental Outreach, North Florida Medical Centers

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Stay Informed

Floridians for Dental Access is a bipartisan coalition of individuals and organizations throughout our state actively working to increase access to oral health care through evidence-based best practices in modern dentistry and dental hygiene. 

Top Resources